Masterclass Recycling

Join our online Masterclass and become an expert on packaging recycling!

Packaging experts, brand or sustainability managers, product owners… this training is for you!

Through 5 online sessions, you will learn and (re)discover the world of packaging recycling, upcoming technologies, sorting processes, design for recycling guidelines, and more. You will finish this course with a one-to-one confidential session with one of our experts, ensuring that all your questions are answered.





Masterclass Recycling
Program of the 5 sessions

1. Collection & Sorting 

  • What is ‘recyclable’?
  • Legal background on packaging waste 
  • Collection systems
  • Sorting of packaging & technologies used.
  • Standard design & sorting issues in sorting
  • New sorting technologies (digital watermarking & Image recognition)


Additional sorting at the reprocessor explained

Technologies in place

Upcoming reprocessing technologies: Chemical recycling 

Recycling vs LCA vs CO2-emission


Design for Recycling Guidelines;

Training: How to make a self-assessment of recyclability for your packaging

Mindeststandard in Germany, RecycleCheck in NL

Certification conform RecyClass

All participants will receive PDF with Design for recycling Guidelines


Everything you want to know on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR-systems) throughout the world

What is changing in EPR for packaging

Presented by Lorax EPI for legislation & registration, supported by CIRCPACK for everything on recycling


 Opportunity to ask additional questions in a one-on-one live session with a CIRCPACK expert.

 Get answers to your dedicated questions that are really important for you and your company

 No competitors listening!


They have already taken the ride,
and here is what they say about it:

Camille Detry Lecointe

A very complete overview on Recycling in a record time! It is a must for all pack developers working on Eco-conception development.

Camille Detry Lecointe
Group Leader new sustainable pack material 
BEL Group

Luiz Campos

It’s been my pleasure to join the MasterClass! It’s been really good for us as we’re increasing our knowledge in this complex world!

Luiz Campos
Global Senior Packaging Engineer

Larry Logan

Our teammates benefited greatly from this extensive and hugely helpful course on market dynamics and operational nuances in the recycling industry.

Larry Logan
Chief Evangelist, Sustainability Solutions 
Digimarc Corporation

Stefan Vyge

The Masterclass is a great opportunity to get insights from the experts of recycling. Thank you for sharing your expertise.

Stefan Vyge
Business Development & Technical Manager
Yupo Europe GmbH